@echo off ::- This script must be executed on the PC with an Active Sync ::- connection. If it does not work, create the entries with ::- a remote registry editor or get a registry editor for your ::- devices. ::- ::- You need my cereg.exe program. ::- My paths... set perlpath=\SD Card\UnixRoot\bin set perlexe=%perlpath%\perl.exe set perllib=\SD Card\UnixRoot\usr\perl\lib ::- PERL5LIB cereg -k "HKLM\Environment" -n "PERL5LIB" -v "%perllib%" ::- For ShellExecute cereg -k "HKCR\.pl" -n "" -v "perlfile" cereg -k "HKCR\perlfile" -n "" -v "Perl Script" cereg -k "HKCR\perlfile\DefaultIcon" -n "" -v "%perlexe%,-1" ::- You might need to fix the quotes if your paths contain spaces! cereg -k "HKCR\perlfile\Shell\open\command" -n "" -v "\"%perlexe%\" \"%%1\"" cereg -k "HKLM\Environment" -n "ROWS" -v "20" cereg -k "HKLM\Environment" -n "COLS" -v "75" cereg -k "HKLM\Environment" -n "PATH" -v "%perlpath%" cereg -k "HKLM\Environment" -n "UNIXROOTDIR" -v "\SD Card\UnixRoot" ::- For BatfileExecute set cmdexe=\Windows\cmd.exe cereg -k "HKCR\batfile\Shell\open\command" -n "" -v "\"%cmdexe%\" \"/k\" \"%%1\"" cereg -k "HKCR\batfile\DefaultIcon" -n "" -v "%cmdexe%,-1"